Netaji Birhday celebration on 23-1-13 at Ratnagiri, Dist- Jajpur, Odisha. conducted by "Puspagiri Parishad" & sponsored by "Green Pyramid Society of India"

Place- Ratnagiri High school, Ratnagiri, Dist- Jajpur, Odisha. The event was conducted by "Puspagiri Parishad" & financed by "Green Pyramid Society of India".The purpose of the event was to pay homage to India's Biggest Leader Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. The event focused on - Netaji's Principle (Bose & Bose-ism & his mysterious Disappearance". The event comprised exhibition of photos & documents related to Netaji & his mysterious disappearance, numerous competitions among school & college students like- Painting, Essay, Debate & Quiz. Many well known intellectuals from the state- Shri Saroj Pattnaik, Shri Prashanta Das,Shri N.B. Bhanja, Shri Arjun Samal also delivered speech on Netaji & his contribution to India while addressing to the gathering. The gathering also appreciated & supported the effort of Mission Netaji for their sincere effort for putting light on "Mysterious Disappearance of Netaji". The management team also discussed for future plans & upcoming events. All the winner candidates in the competitions were awarded by the chief guests at the end of the event


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