World War Secret Codes - USA National Archive
Office of Strategic Services ( OSS ) Terms, Names, Organizational Abbreviations, and Code Words in OSS Records Some interesting or relevant WW2 codes exchnaged across the global war front are here in the format - Code word: Used for whom or for what Abwehr: German military intelligence BIA : Burma Independence Army Birch : OSS agent that penetrated Germany through Scandinavia in 1945 BNA: Burmese National Army Boston : Series Intelligence reports based on George Wood/Kappa information BPF: Burma Patriotic Front Broadway: British Intelligence (MI6 Headquarters) Cassia: Anti-Nazi underground group in Vienna , Austria CBI: China-Burma-India Theater of Operations Cousins: The British Crossword: British designation for Operation Sunrise Crown Jewels: Germans deemed to be important for postwar purposes Drum :Presumably an OSS staff member at Bern , Switzerland and point of contact for “Drum” messages early in the war Fat Bo...