USA National Archive -OSS - Declassified records of WWII and of various Indian Interests

War Crimes Branch, Records of the United States Commission, United Nations War Crimes Commission —Box 121  File 118-4

  • War Crimes Lists 1945-1950 (0153-A1-147) : United Nations War Crimes Commission suspect lists, Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects (CROWCASS) wanted lists and detention lists, and other lists arising from international efforts to charge, apprehend, and prosecute war criminals. Arranged chronologically by date of list. Boxes 1-14 location 270/2/17/06.
  •  Numbered Dispatches 1946-1948 (0153-A1-148) : Copies of dispatches sent from London by the U.S. Commission on the United Nations War Crimes Commission to the Secretary of State in Washington, D.C. Included are photographs of British- and Australian-originated records documenting Japanese war crimes in Shanghai, Burma, and the Southwest Pacific Area; UNWCC committee reports; and, trial and law reports. Arranged by number assigned chronologically by date of dispatch. Boxes 1-3 location: 270/2/18/01.
  •  IMTFE Indictments and Opening Statements 1946-1948 (0153-A1-163) : The opening statement of the Chief of Counsel for the prosecution, Joseph B. Keenan, the indictments of 28 Japanese military and government leaders, and the opening statements of members of the International Prosecution Section representing the nations involved in prosecuting the accused…..
  •  Records of Lesser Japanese War Crimes Trials :Only the leaders of Japan were tried by the IMTFE. Middle-level government and military personnel and lower-level individuals who were accused of atrocities were brought before U.S. military commissions.
  •  608 No. 48 Japanese Intelligence Organization
  •  608 No. 49 Japanese Propaganda Organization in Burma
  •  608 No. 50 Hikari Kikan in China-Burma-India Theater
  •  614 British-American Counter-Intelligence Summary [Bengal-Assam Area] Nos. 1-9 (with gaps) July-September 1945 location: 390/33/33/05
  •  614 Counter Intelligence Section G-2 HQ U.S. Forces China Theater. Counter Intelligence Monthly Summary Nos. 4-9 May 15-July 31, 1945 location: 390/33/33/05
  • 615 Office of Assistant Chief of Staff G-2 U.S. Forces India-Burma Theater. Counter Intelligence Summary Nos. 16-20 April 8-September 1, 1945 location: 390/33/33/05
  •  615 HQ 405th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment U.S. Forces India-Burma Theater Counter Intelligence Summary Nos. 23 and 25 November 11, 1945 and January 1, 1946 location: 390/33/33/05
  •  615 Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment HQ U.S. Forces IB Theater. Counter Intelligence Summary No. 12 December 1, 1944 location: 390/33/33/05
  •  615 Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment HQ U.S. Forces India-Burma Theater. Counter Intelligence Weekly Abstract Nos. 10-32 (with gaps) January 23- August 21, 1945 location: 390/33/33/05
  •  1820 PACMIRS War Crimes Information Series No. 3 Articles by Prominent Japanese on the Greater East Asia War December 7, 1945, 12 pp. location: 390/34/23/02
  •  Security-Classified Reports and Correspondence 1943-1947 (0165-NM-84-472) : Boxes 791-803 location: 390/39/17/07 803 War Criminals location: 390/39/18/02
  •  6077.105 British Ministry of Economic Warfare. Far Eastern Weekly Intelligence Summary No. 105 for week ending January 19, 1945; includes information on political and economic activities in Japan, occupied China, Malaya, Thailand, and Manchukuo 13 pp.
  • 6291.10 Intelligence Bureau, Government of Burma, Fortnightly Intelligence Report No. 10; information on conditions in Burma October 1943
  • 43051 Military Intelligence Division. Further Information on Burma under Japanese occupation based on observations of the Wingate Expedition July 1943
  •  43161 Foreign Service. Information, based on Japanese broadcasts, on economic activities in Japan and Japanese occupied areas June 1943, 68 pp.
  • 43253 British Ministry of Economic Warfare. Notes on Japanese economy, political affairs, etc., June-December 1941, 8 pp.
  • 43972 Office of Naval Intelligence. Interview regarding the Domei Agency (The English press in the Orient) 1938-1942 and rivalry among the Japanese armed forces in Occupied China July 1943, 3 pp
  •  70745 Office of War Information. Report on Subhas Bose and the India National Army November 1943
  • 70748 Office of War Information. Report on Subhas Bose and the Indian National Army October 1943, 4 pp
  •  93155 USAFFE. Report providing summary of economic warfare information regarding Japan and occupied areas of the Far East: Netherlands East Indies, China, Borneo, Manchukuo, Indo-China, Thailand, Burma, and Malaya April 1944, 32 pp.
  •  151904 Office of War Information. Report providing general commentary on the Japanese war April 1945, 2 pp.
  • 151907 Office of War Information. Report on Japanese commentary on Allied landings on Okinawa April 1945, 3 pp.
  • 151908 Office of War Information. General commentary on the war situation  in Burma June 1945
  • 159821 Office of War Information. Report on conditions in Burma; includes information on the Burma puppet army, political affairs, treatment of Allied prisoners of war, civilian internees, Japanese troops dispositions May 1945
  • 165001 Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center (CSDIC) (India). Information on Malaya and Thailand; included is information on prisoner of war camps in Malaya and Thailand June 1945
  • 168362 Office of War Information Report. Interrogation of a former captain in the Indian Army regarding the Japanese and the Indian National Army, the Japanese and the Burmese, and Japanese propaganda activities July 1945
  • 169845 Captured Personnel and Material Branch, Military Intelligence Service. Report concerning a number of statements made by Japanese prisoners of war in June 1945 regarding, among other things, morale in Japanese armed forces, conditions in Japan, propaganda, political controls, postwar arrangements, July 20, 1945, 14 pp
  • 170186 Office of War Information. Report on conditions in Thailand; includes information on Allied prisoners of war, civilian internees, Japanese interference with local government and people, Siamese attitude towards the Allies and the Japanese, political leaders August 1945, 7 pp.
  • 171011 Office of War Information. Report on life in and around Hankow as of May 1, 1945; includes information on discipline and morale of puppet and Japanese troops, treatment of U.S. airmen August 1945
  •  Outpost Records 1942-1946 (0208-NC-148-6J) : A detailed box and folder title list is available. Boxes 1-16 location: 350/71/16/06. Box Subject[ 9-10 India  1943-1945 and 13-16 New Delhi Outpost Reports Nos. 1-434 ]
  • 386 India 0.1 – Military Intelligence Reports August-September 1945
  • 387 India 0.1 – State Department, American Consulate General Bombay Reports February-July 1943 and October 4, 1945
  • 387 India 0.1 – Office of the Personal Representative of the President of the United States New Delhi Reports January-June 1943
  •  387 India 1.3-C to 1.19.6 – Military Intelligence Reports February-September 1945
  • Records of the Regional Analysis Division — Entry 370: Asiatic Information File RG 208. Records of the Office of War Information 345 
  • 387 India 1.19 – India’s Extremists and the Axis (British) n.d. 388 India 3.9.3-C – Military Intelligence Reports March-August 1945
  • 389 India 8.2.1 – Joint Intelligence Collection Agency, India-Burma Theater 1945
  • 395 Japan 2.5 – The Importance of Occupied Areas to Japanese Economy August 1944
  • 397 Japan 2.14-R – Japan’s War Economy-The Failure of a Plan August 2, 1944
  • 397 Japan 2.19 – Role of the Bank of Japan in the Japanese War Effort by Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce April 1944
  • 397 Japan 3.9 – ATIS: Infringement of the laws of war and ethics by the Japanese medical corps, Jan. 26, 1945
  • 398 Japan 3.9 – ATIS: Research Report: The warrior traditions as a present factor in Japanese Military psychology, Oct. 30, 1944
  •  398 Japan 3.9 – ATIS: Research Report: The Emperor cult as a present factor in Japanese Military psychology, June 21, 1944
  •  398 Japan 3.9 – ATIS: Research Report: Self-Immolation as a factor on Japanese Military psychology, 1944
  • 400 Japan 3.9 – ATIS: Enemy Publications: Intelligence and fifth column operations in total war, January 7, 1945
  •  402 Japan 3.12.1-C – The Interrogation of Japanese Prisoners of War at Delhi November 29, 1945
  • 402 Japan 3.12.1-C – Location and Known Strength of Prisoner of War Camps and Civilian Assembly Centers in Japan and Japanese-Occupied Territories MD December 20, 1944
  •  403 Japan Navy. The Use of Japanese Superstitions for Propaganda Exploitation of American Bombings of Japan June 20, 1944
  • 403 Japan 6.19 Shintoism: A Tool of the Militarists December 16, 1944
  • 403 Japan 8.2.1-C The Assam Prisoner of War Camp February 23, 1945
  • 404 Japan 8.5-C British. Fortnightly Intelligence Reports New Delhi 1943-1945
  • 404 Japan 8.5-C British. Analysis of Broadcast Propaganda from Japanese Controlled Stations March-July 1945
  • 404 Japan 8.5.2-C Navy. Japanese Reliance on “Spiritual Superiority” February 1944
  • 405 Japan 10-20-C Office of Strategic Services. India-Burma Theater-Prisoner of War Interrogations June-August 1945
  • 406 Japan 10.20-C Outpost Reports New Delhi June and December 1944
  • “New Delhi Monitoring Digest” April 1942-December 18, 1944 (0208-NC-148-547): A monitoring digest containing extracts from enemy broadcasts from Southeast Asia. Arranged chronologically. Boxes 3453-3454 location: 350/75/32/01
  •  17871 J.E. Hoover to OSS, transmitting Japanese booklets printed in the English language and published in Japan; included: Is Japan to Blame May 30, 1942, 670 pp.
  • 20811 Military Intelligence Division, New Delhi, India. Report on Burmese Independence Army, the India National Army, and the Indian Independence League August 17, 1942, 4 pp
  • 22267 Report written by a newspaperman in San Francisco on conditions in the Pacific; includes information on the position of the Japanese in the Pacific, the activities of Subhas Chandra Bose in India, Japanese atrocities in India, the Japanese foreign office and military conditions in Japan October 14, 1942, 4 pp
  •  24784 British. Political and Military Situation in India October-November 1942, 25 pp.
  • 34468 Report on Burma by returned American missionary; includes information on Japanese pre-war penetration into Burma May 4, 1943, 2 pp.
  • 34680 Report on Japanese attempts to suborn Indians April 24, 1943,  3 pp
  • 36813 Report on conditions in China and Malaya under Japanese occupation; included is information about activity and strength of Indian National Army in Canton, poor treatment of United Kingdom and U.S. prisoners, Japanese exploitation of Malayan rice, conscription for Malayan police forces, property confiscations, treatment of Indian nationals May 26, 1943, 4 pp.
  • 49383 Information on Japanese-control areas obtained from repatriates by correspondents at Goa, India; includes information on Japanese exploiting cooper mines, Japanese stripping China of food, conditions in internment camps (Fort Stanley at Hong Kong was the worst) November 1, 1943, 24 pp.
  • 52708 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency (CBI) Domei’s English Service edition of November 18, 1943; includes information on Japanese propaganda activity, the Indian National Army, Tojo’s speech, Subhas Chandras Bose’s activities, economic and social relations in Japanese-occupied areas Nov. 19, 1943, 10 pp.
  • 56654 Answers by four repatriates on the S.S. Gripsholm to questions about the Far East; included is information on internment conditions in China, Japanese occupation methods, Japanese religious policy, police, Japanese propaganda, Chungking secret agents, Indian prisoners of war in China, Japanese requisitions in Indo-China, prisoners of war in Indo-China November 1-8, 1943, 84 pp.
  •  57710 Broadcasts; includes broadcasts from Japan and Japanese-occupied territory and includes information on various subjects such as Japanese occupation methods, Indian unrest, Thai and Burmese governments January 1-2, 1944, 27 pp.
  • 58508 Report given by Indian soldier captured by the Japanese; included is information on treatment of captured American officer and killing captured Chinese prisoners January 18, 1944, 5 pp.
  •  60830 Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center (India). Information Section Report No. 29. Included is information on Burmese grievances against the Japanese, Japanese propaganda in Burma, names of Burmese men shot or promoted by the Japanese, forced labor, atrocities, police in Malaya January 29, 1944, 5 pp.
  • 61410 GHQ, India. Captured Japanese documents, including Japanese and Burmese newspapers February 17, 1944, 17 pp
  • 64863 Interrogation reports relating to Burma-India March 6, 1944, 12 pp.
  • 65877 New Light of Burma giving war news, anti-Ally propaganda, Free India movement, etc. October 24, 1943, 17 pp.
  • 67304 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency China-Burma-India. Report on conditions in the Tavoy area of Burma; includes information on Japanese seizure of food and livestock, treatment of the Burmese March 22, 1944, 4 pp.
  • 67316 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency China-Burma-India. Interview with Japanese prisoners of war March 15, 1944, 5 pp
  • 71838 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency China-Burma-India. Report on the military situation in Manchukuo; included is information on military laws, puppet government, conscription system, police March 16, 1944, 5 pp.
  •  73319 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency (JICA) (China-Burma-India). Report of chemical warfare officers’ trip through China-Burma war theaters April 27, 1944, 13 pp.
  • 80062 Report on Japanese espionage in India May 16, 1944, 1 p.
  • 89423 Books and documents about Japan and Japanese occupied countries. This is a catalog of material obtained from the Custodian of Enemy Property in India, names the Allied Agency which now possesses each item May 29, 1944, 21 pp.
  • 106681 Interrogation report relating mainly to Singapore; included is information about Formosan and Indian troops, military brothel, prisoners of war, 1944, 5 pp
  • 107224 OSS R&A IB Forward HQ. Translated Burmese documents, including orders about treatment of Indians, labor conscription November 30, 1944, 17 pp.
  • 108204 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency (China-Burma-India/Economic Section). Office Memo No. 197; includes prisoner interrogation report with information on possible biological warfare November 29, 1944, 5 pp.
  • 109542 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency (China-Burma-India Naval Section). Notes on Japanese military police and informers on the Lower Thai coast December 13, 1944, 3 pp
  • 111407 OSS R&A India-Burma Forward HQ. Japanese documents found in Burma December18, 1944, 1 p.
  •  111408 OSS R&A India-Burma Forward HQ. Japanese documents found in Burma December 15, 1944, 1 p.
  •  111409 OSS R&A India-Burma Forward HQ. Japanese documents found in Burma December 15, 1944, 1 p.
  •  111410 OSS R&A India-Burma Forward HQ. Japanese documents found in Burma December 12, 1944, 1 p.
  • 112339 Interrogation report relating to Burma; included is information about propaganda, political parties, the Indian Independence League, and the Hidari Kikan received February 5, 1944, 15 pp
  • 112529 Notes on conditions in Penang, including conscription of Indians for the Indian National Army, Malayas acting as informers for the Japanese Dec. 1944, 2 pp.
  • 112748 Report on general conditions in Malaya (Penang Island); includes information about Malays and Indians conscripted for military and police service; Chinese conscripted for labor; controls and documents; all lepers alleged to have been burned to death and all Chinese scholars forced to do hard labor, etc. January 11, 1945, 7 pp.
  • 113682 References to activities of Indians in Japan and occupied areas, extracted from Japanese radio broadcasts (1941-1944), indexed with biographical notes November 16, 1944, 99 pp.
  • 113835 Report on programs of Japan in China: Central Coastal Provinces; included is information on propaganda, police control, pacification program; also biographies of Chinese and Japanese leaders, together with some European, Thais, Indians, and Filipinos January 20, 1945, 226 pp
  • 117100 Letters from Japanese prisoners of war in China to other prisoners in Burma, India, etc. December 5, 1944, 5 pp.
  • 117320 Interservice Monthly Security Summary. A Counterintelligence bulletin for the British in India; includes information on signals security, Tokyo Rose February 22, 1944
  • 117716 Report on Burma; included is information on Indian police, Japanese troops 1943, 2 pp.
  • 121087 Report on Burma; includes information about the Indian National Army and officers of the Kempei Tai February 27, 1945, 15 pp.
  • 122643 Report on the Burma Independence and Indian National armies in Burma March 1945, 1 p.
  • 128487 Report on the Mongmit State, Burma; included is information on the Indian independent League and the East Asia Youth League April 8, 1945, 1 p.
  • 130093 Report on Japanese occupation of Mogok, Burma; included is information about the Japanese military police being brutal and mistreating Anglo-Indian girls April 28, 1945, 3 pp
  • 130118 Report on the very bad treatment of British Indian prisoners of war in the camps in Thailand; atrocities noted May 1, 1945, 1 p.
  • 130731 Report on the Indian population in Burma and the Indian Independence League May 9, 1945, 4 pp.
  • 131190 Translated letter from Japanese ambassador at Bangkok, Thailand, regarding Indian Independence movement May 28, 1942, 2 pp.
  • 133350 Interrogation report on the types, quality and amounts of equipment issued to the India National Army by the Japanese May 16, 1945, 2 pp.
  • 133981 Report on Subhas Chandras Bose and his plan for India June 12, 1945, 27 pp.
  • 135169 Report on the Andamon Islands, Indian Ocean; includes information on Japanese threats to natives and British prisoners or war 1945, 3 pp.
  •  136821 OSS R&A India-Burma Theater. Interrogation report regarding the behavior of Japanese officers and treatment of the soldiers in Korea June 30, 1945, 2 pp.
  • 137144 Interrogation report on Burma; included is information on prisoner of war camps, treatment of prisoners, Japan atrocities, Japanese “sex crimes,” collaborators (mostly Indian) June 19, 1945, 53 pp.
  •  140715 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency (India-Burma Theater, Naval Section). Information on Allied prisoners of war and prisoner of war camps in Thailand and notes on civilian internees at Bangkok July 11, 1945, 2 pp.
  •  141473 Report on Japanese atrocities committed against civilian and prisoners of war in French Indo-China, Malaya, Thailand, Netherlands East India, and Burma; also included is information that the Japanese Army does not make any attempt to alleviate the suffering due to disease among prisoners of war in Burma and Thailand July 31, 1945, 9 pp.
  • 141482 Interrogation report on Malaya, based on interrogations of personnel of the Indian National Army August 7, 1945, 5 pp.
  • 962 OSS R&A Report [No. 1992] on Burma. Contains information about the Japanese occupation, including Japanese exploitation of Burmese oil resources and the Provisional Government of Free India under Subhas Chandra Bose May 15, 1944, 26 pp.
  • 1744 Joint Intelligence Collage Agency (China-Burma-India). List of Japanese intelligence agencies in Burma, including the Kempei and Tokuma Kikan September 16, 1944, 5 pp.
  • 2459 OSS R&A Report on Hikari Kikan [Civil intelligence and sabotage organization], the Japanese agency which directs and controls the use of Indians in the war against the Allies. October 16, 1944, 52 pp.
  • 6915 OSS R&A India-Burma Theater Comments by two officers on reports about the Hikari Kikan [Civil intelligence and sabotage organization] (formerly the Iwakuro Kikan) in Burma. A captured organization chart is included. Feb. 26, 1945, 3 pp.
  • 7124 OSS India Burma Theater Information on some Japanese Kempei Tai personnel in Tavoy, Burma February 1945, 2 pp.
  • 7952 Intelligence Division, Far Eastern Bureau, British Ministry of Information, New Delhi, India. Who’s Who in Japan and Japanese Occupied Territories-Burma 2nd Edition March 13, 1945, 14 pp.
  • New Delhi, India. Who’s Who in Japan and Japanese Occupied Territories- Alphabetical Index of Japanese in all areas, Supplement No. 1 to the 3rd Edition of  ecember 31, 1944, March 4, 1945, ca. 100 pp
  • 10130 OSS R&A India Burma Theater Interrogation Report of a Malaya prisoner of Japanese ancestry who acted as a civilian interpreter of Allied prisoners of war May 8, 1945, 8 pp
  • 10395 Intelligence Division, Far Eastern Bureau, British Ministry of Information. Who’s Who in Japan and Japanese Occupied Territories-Special Supplement- The Indian Independence Movement 2nd Edition March 22, 1945, 16 pp.
  • 10747 OSS R&A India Burma Theater Interrogation Report on Malaya, including Government control of population June 1, 1945, 8 pp.
  • 11105 OSS R&A India Burma Theater Interrogation of a Major in the INA Medical Corps and personal physician to S. C. Bose, with whom he accompanied to Tokyo in November 1943. Report includes information on health of Indian prisoners of war and sale of drugs and medicines on the black market June 7, 1945, 7 pp.
  • 11189 OSS X-2 Interrogation of an Indian who was a labor contractor for the Japanese in Burma 2 pp.
  • 11190 OSS X-2 Notes on the Indian Independence League, Hikari Kikan [Civil intelligence and sabotage organization], and Kempei Tai in Burma 1942-1945
  • 11209 OSS X-2 Interrogation of Maung Tin Aung of Rangoon Burma about interpreting for the Japanese Kempei tai there; information about accusations against innocent people, who were arrested and tortured; names of Japanese officers; types of information desired by the Kempei; names of two Indian informants for the Japanese May 29, 1945, 3 pp.
  • 11546 OSS R&A India Burma Theater Interrogation Report on Medical Conditions in Malaya; mentions health condition of prisoners of war was very poor June 25, 1945, 6 pp.
  • 11611 OSS Detachment 101 Report on conditions under Japanese occupation; includes information on the persecution of Christians, murders of Indians, seizure of foreign property, forced Burmese labor, Japanese torture, illtreatment of Allied prisoners of war, Burmese traitors, and Catholic support for the Japanese 16 pp.
  • 11873- 11875 OSS R&A India Burma Theater Untranslated Japanese insurance documents, mostly from Burma June 20-July 1, 1945, ca. 1,000 pp.
  • 11898 Copies in Italian (untranslated) of Japanese War Office Communiqués, ca. 150 pp. May 27, 1942
  • 12159 HQ 5th Army G-2 Detailed interrogation report on interrogation of Harold Kirfel, German liaison officer to the Japanese, about RSHA Amt 6, the OKW’s interpreter training department, subjects taught in the Japanese language course, the Japanese intelligence service, war and naval intelligence, Japanese personalities, Manchurian, Thai, Indian and Chinese personalities in Germany, German agents in the Far East and Middle Eastern persons in Germany July 3, 1945, 19 pp.
  • 13655 OSS R&A Report on Thailand’s Connection with Indian Nationalist Activities March 13, 1945, 3 pp.
  • 14931 OSS SU Detachment 404 Interrogation of Chulem Ahmad Qureshi, OSS agent who is now war prisoner, describing career. Information on Subhas Chandra Bose, Burma, Indian independence workers in Japan, and the Swaraj Institute and the Hikari Kikani August 23, 1945, 32 pp.
  • 17288 OSS Interrogation of Prisoner of War Ghulam Ahmed Qureshi. Discusses his work in Rangoon Burma, relations with Japanese Hikari Kikan [Civil intelligence and sabotage organization], with the Burmese, information on Swaraj Young Men’s Training Institute, Indian Independence movement in Japan, etc. August 23, 1945, 32 pp.
  •  20386 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency/India Burma Theater. Report on Japanese financial transactions in Thailand during April and May 1944 and 1945,
  • 22281 OSS India Burma Theater Report on Japanese behavior in Burma; includes information about looting by the Kempei Tai and their brutality upon the country September 4, 1945, 2 pp.
  • 22284 OSS India Burma Theater History of Communist Underground activities in Thaton District, Burma; includes information on Kempei Tai and Keibei Tai troops August 17, 1945, 3 pp.
  • 38024 OSS SI Report on construction of the road from Bangkok to Ban Pong, Burma- Thailand and Kra Isthmus railway lines, imported labor from Malaya to Thailand, British and Australian prisoners of war, Indian labor May 17, 1944, 2 pp
  • 8828 Report on the Indian National Army in Burma January 17, 1944, 1 p.
  • 79 X-2 India monthly reports, 1944-1945
  • 149 Monthly Progress Report of X-2 OSS India-SEAC, October 1944, 10 pp.
  • 511 Memo on political documents on Indian activities in Thailand, June 15, 1945, 19 pp.
  •  Entry 211 Boxes 1-50 location: 250/64/32/05 - 5 Message describing a  possible deal between Moslems, Buddhists and Catholics in India, ca. March 1945, 1 p. The deal called for Moslems and Buddhists to not obstruct Catholic missionaries, and in return “Market would use its influence to facilitate India becoming a British Dominion.”
  • 3 X-2 Rangoon, Burma Branch Report on the Indian Independence  movement, June 4, 1945, 9 pp. The report recounts the interrogation M.S. Doshi, “one of the more fanatical members of the Indian Independence League in Burma.”
  •  Entry 212 Boxes 1-6 location: 250/64/33/5 :3 Report regarding unrest in India over continued British rule, Dec. 10, 1945, ca. 23pp. The report is handwritten. It covers a variety of topics, including a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Delhi Muslim League, reactions to a proposed meeting between Mahatma Ghandi and the Governor of Bengal, reactions to a trial of Indian National Army members, and the activities of the Communist Party of India.
  • 3 Report regarding unrest in India and Pakistan over continued British rule by Source Taj, February 4, 1946, 8pp. The report includes a reference to a “mystery woman of Java” nicknamed Sourabaya Sue, who, speaking in a “terrific American accent” roamed behind Indonesian lines “exhorting them to fight the British to the last man.”
  • 10 Folder entitled Opium, 1944-1945, ca. 75 pp. Contains information regarding OSS acquisition in India and distribution in Burma of opium as payment for services, e.g., for information, and State Department displeasure with such practices.
  • 110746 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India, Activities of Indian and Burmese agents of Japanese Kempei Tai January 27, 1945, 2 pp.
  • 110754 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Loyalty of Burma National Army to Japanese Army January 25, 1945, 2 pp
  •  113897 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Historical roots of Japanese character,  social traditions, mythology and religion, role of the emperor, vulnerability of Japanese morale, attitude toward death and danger, attitude to Army authority, etc. January 31, 1945, 52 pp.
  • 115811 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Japanese-controlled espionage organization (Bama Wundan] in Burma February 3, 1945, 5 pp.
  • 126013 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India, Japanese commercial activities Burma January 27, 1945, 3 pp.]
  •  126014 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Special Force (3rd Indian Division) Intelligence Publication “Through Japanese Eyes” Vol. II Mar. 2, 1944, ca. 60 pp.
  • 129128 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Japanese penetration groups March 10, 1945, 2 pp.
  • 132037 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Organization of 54th Headquarters Medical Unit and medical information March 12, 1945, 8 pp
  •  136548 HQ United States Forces India Burma Theater. Chemical warfare,  Japanese  request for dead rats February 14, 1945, 1 p.
  • 161839 Research Section, Far Eastern Bureau, British Ministry of Information, New Delhi, India. Chronology of Events in Japan and Japanese Occupied Countries since 1937; April 1945, 30 pp.
  • 165700 India. Japanese anti-espionage school, Taunggyi, Burma May 29, 1945, 5 pp.
  • 171051 India. Japanese 14th Army Intelligence Organization in Burma June 9, 1945, 1 p. [just transmittal page] This complete report can be found in Box 2111 of Entry 82 “P” Files
  • 171378 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Rangoon Burma/biological warfare information June 14, 1945, 3 pp.
  •  MIS # Source 191978 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency IB. Poison gas  equipment and gas mask factories Hong Kong/Canton China August 2, 1945, 2 pp.
  • 192888 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Collaborated written response by Japanese prisoner of war Doctors to questions rendered; includes information Japanese biological warfare August 13, 1945, 10 pp.
  • 197285 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. The Medical Treatment of Released Allied prisoners of war and internees August 28, 1945, 12 pp.
  • 197287 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Estimation of the Situation August 1945; September 1, 1945, 7 pp.
  • 199110 U.S. Military Observed from New Delhi, India. Growth, Development and Operating Procedures of Air Supply and Evacuation System, Northern Combat Area Command Front Burma Campaign 1943-1945; July 1945, ca. 400 p.
  •  208433 HQ United States Forces India Burma Theater. Report on biological warfare anti-disease suit, 29th Water Purification Unit May 21, 1945, 11 pp
  • 211180 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, HQ U.S. Forces, India-Burma Theater. Report on Japanese troops and Indian National Army October 17, 1945, 8 pp.
  •  211660 India. Japanese appreciation of British intentions in South East Asia October 11, 1945, 4 pp.
  • 217621 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency China. Puppet Indian National Army in Shanghai, China November 15, 1945, 2 pp.
  • 217752 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Indian National Army trial November 16, 1945, ca. 40 pp.
  •  218367 Strategic Services Unit. Indian Government communiqué regarding the Indian National Army trials December 4, 1945, 1 p.
  • 220942 Joint Intelligence Collection Agency China. Medical conditions at the Gia Lam Indian prisoner of war camp at Hanoi, French Indo-China February 1943-July 1945; November 26, 1945, 3 pp.
  •  221470 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Indian National Army Trial November 29, 1945, 9 pp.
  • 224871 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Indian National Army Trial December 11, 1945, 6 pp.
  • 226107 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Editorial regarding the treatment of Japan December 26, 1945, 2 pp.
  • 226593 Military Attaché, New Delhi, India. Indian National Army Trial December 18, 1945, 12 pp.
  • 239161 India. Operations in progress of Japanese surrender February 19, 1946, 7 pp.
  •  Box 943 : Area Case Files: NG-4, Indian prisoners of war Beaten and Starved to Death (F-34)
  •  Area Case Files: NG-5, Indian prisoners of war Beaten and Starved to Death at Kurringe (F-35)
  •  Area Case Files: NG-309, Bayonetting and Beheading of 20 Indians and Indonesians   - Wewak (F-42)
  •  Manila Report No. 21: Violent Death of Mira Kishinchand, Pari Kishinchand and Radhi Kishinchand, Indians, in Paco, Manila, on 11 February 1945
  •  Manila Report No. 22: Death of Lachman Udharam, a British Indian, at 1760 Donada Street, Pasay, Rizal, on 14 or 15 February 1945
  •  Box 1114Manila Report No. 65: Murder of Twenty-Six Non-Combatant Civilians and Attempted Murder of One More at the San Marcelino Church, Ermita, Manila, on 9 and 10 February 1945 Manila Report No. 66: Murder of Five Hundred Civilians of Filipino, French, Spanish, Indian, American and German Nationalities, Seventy Victims are Identified, and the Wounding of Five Filipinos and Spanish, on 10 February 1945
  • Manila Report No. 67: Murder of Forty-Three Chinese and Filipino Civilians and Attempted Murder of Twelve Chinese and Filipino Civilians in Ermita, Manila on 11 February 1945
  •  Manila Report No. 68: Murder of Felix Isla, Angel Francisco, and Three Other Civilian Male Filipinos, and the Attempted Murder of Silverio T. Braganza, Filipino, in Malate, Manila, on 13 February 1945
  •  Manila Report No. 69: Murder of Approximately Two Hundred Non-Combatant Filipino Civilians in Bauan, Batangas, on 28 February 1945
  •  Manila Report No. 70: Massacre of Approximately One Hundred Filipino and Spanish Civilians at the Price House, Ermita, Manila on 10 February 1945
  •  Manila Report No. 71: Bombing by the Japanese Air Force, Resulting in the Deaths of Five Identified Filipinos, One Chinese, Two Hundred Unidentified Males and the Wounding of Fifty Identified Filipino Civilians, on 27 and 28 December 1944
  • 1149 Amendments to S.E.A.C. Theatre Lists of Suspects No. 1-23, June 1946
  •  1149 Australian Military Forces List No. 1 of Suspected Japanese War Criminals Not Yet in Custody, February 1946
  •  1149 S.E.A.C. Reproduction List of Suspects Nos. 1-13, Sept. 1945-July 1946 (13  folders)
  •  1150 List of War Criminal Suspects Held in S.E.A.C. as at 20th February, 1946 - A-J
  •  1150 List of Criminal Suspects Held in S.E.A.C. as at 20th February, 1946 - K-Z (2 folders)
  •  1150 S.E.A.C. Theatre, Consolidated Suspects List Part, 1 A-M (2 folders)
  •  1151 Affidavits Held by Australian Division, Legal Section, GHQ/SCAP, June 1946- January 1948
  •  1151 Affidavits Received from Administration, Cover Sheet, August 1946-November  1948
  •  1151 Affidavits Received in the British Division, List Nos. 4-29, June 1946-February 1947
  •  1151 Australian Military Forces, Consolidated Suspect List No. 1 of Suspected War  Criminals Not Yet in Custody, December 1946
  •  1151 Australian Military Forces, Lists No. 2-4, 6-7 of Suspected Japanese War Criminals Not Yet in Custody, March-September 1946 (5 folders)
  •  1151 Perpetrators, 13 October 1945; Supplementary List, 19 October 1945; Supplementary List No. 2, 3 November 1945
  •  1151 United Nations War Crimes Commission, Far Eastern and Pacific Sub-Commission Lists of War Criminal and Material Witnesses (Japanese), December 1946
  •  1151 United Nations War Crimes Commission, List of War Criminals and Suspects (List No. 29), April 1946
  •  1151 United Nations War Crimes Commission, Supplementary List of War Criminals, Suspects and Material Witnesses (Japanese), November-December 1946
  •  1151 USAFPAC War Criminal Lists, September 1945
  •  1151 War Crimes Branch, U.S. Forces, India-Burma Theater List of Suspects
  •  1151 War Crimes Branch, USF, India-Burma Theater List of War Crimes Suspects, November-December 1945
  •  1419 091M: India, September 1947-February 1951
  •  1973 Perpetrators Lists (by U.S. Armed Forces in India)
  •  1973 Perpetrators, October 1945
  •  1973 Prisoner of war No. 2001-7000 (3 folders)
  •  1993 A-96 (Reference File for “Indian” Cases)
  •  3657 Indian Reparations & Restitution Delegation, December 1946-March 1949
  •  3780 Restitution Advisory Committee - India, April 1948-June 1950
  •  3888 Indian Reparations and Restitution Delegation Representative
  •  4065 Deceased POWs & Civilian Internees – Indian
  •  4121 Machine Rosters: Looted Property, Coins and Currencies No. 5 - India (Lot Sequence)
  • SWNCC Subject/Roll/Frame : 211 War Crimes trials responsibilities in India, China, and Southeast Asia, October 1945-May 1948
  •  1662 Office of Strategic Services R&A Report No. 2702A References to Activities of Indians in Japan and Occupied Areas, Extracts from Japanese Radio Broadcasts (1941-1944), Index with Biographical Notes November 16, 1944, 94 pp. location: 270/70/1/05
  •  SRS Subject :150 Indian Troops, Possible Defection of; Surrender, None, Except in Extreme Circumstances
  •  Box 176 NR 807 CBCB18 437A 19441101 C Section of Wireless Experimental Center, Activity Reports, Delhi, India
  •  Box 178 NR 815 CBCB22 436A 19440501 C Section of Wireless Experimental Center Activity Reports Delhi, India
  •  NR 846 CBCB25 577A 19400000 Indian Military Weather Reports in 6543 Cipher Systems
  •  Box 840 NR 2490 CBMG32 391A 19440602 Monthly Report, U.S. Army Forces China Burma India, Theater Signal Officer
  •  Box 912 NR 2617 CBMH65 1244A 19431031 China-Burma-India (USFIBT) Monthly Progress Reports
  •  Box 937 NR 2704 CBMI28 1510A 19440610 Enemy Divisional Systems in Burma NR 2705 CBMI28 1511A 19441125 Weekly R/T Tech Summary from “B” Detachment, 5th Radio Squadron Mobile, China-Burma-India Theater  NR 2793 CBMI52 34744A 19430908 Signal Security Agency Memoranda – Use of American Indians as Communications Linguists, 1943-1944
  • NR 3872 ZEMA111 9291A 19450630 History of SIS in China-Burma-India
  • NR 4386 ZEMA190 5527A 19440118 Memoranda Re U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Activities in India & Australia
  • NR 4587 ZEMA34 7973A 19431001 Captured Japanese Document - Report No. 8 Ex AHQ, India
  • NR 4756 ZEMA51 41146A 19440000 Photograph: Organization - Members of HQ Co. SIS, China-Burma-India, New Delhi, India
  • 17 091.713 Indian Troops 1945 — 123. 1945
  • List of Persons Blacklisted in the India-Burma Theater, 1945 (0493-UD-UP-440) Box 271 location: 290/42/22/01
  •  Histories of China-Burma-India Theaters China-Burma-India Theater Histories (HIST CBI) Histories, 1942-1944 (0493-UD-UP-588)
  •  Boxes 1-3 location: 290/42/30/02 :
  •  1 Anakim Plan, 1943 [Code name for the plan to recapture Burma during 1943- 1944.]
  •  1 Army Air Force—China-Burma-India History
  •  1 British—Political
  •  1 Burma Road, Reconstruction of
  •  1 China-Burma-India—Chinese, Political
  •  1 China-Burma-India—Chinese Troops—Wiley Opinion
  •  1 China-Burma-India Circulars, 1943
  •  1 China-Burma-India Circulars, 1944
  •  1 China-Burma-India—Command File #1
  •  1 China-Burma-India—Command Structure—Forward Echelon, HQ
  •  1 China-Burma-India, Formation of
  •  1 China-Burma-India—General Orders, 1943
  •  2 China-Burma-India/India-Burma Theater General Orders, 1944
  •  2 Minutes, 4th Conference w/ officers, China-Burma-India—12 February 1944
  •  2 Order of Battle, Chinese—CAI, Y-Force
  •  2 Postal Service History, May 1942-May 1946 (China-Burma-India/India-Burma Theater)
  •  17 Conference, India-Burma Theater & China Theater (27 December 1944)
  •  17 Conferences with India-Burma Theater
  •  23 Inactivation of CT Radios, Pertaining to India-Burma-China Pipeline (14 May 1945)
  •  Records of the Psychological Warfare Branch General File, 1944-1945 (0496-UD-UP-441)  A complete box, folder, and document list is available. Boxes 2697-2714  location: 290/47/19/06 Boxes 2697-2714 location: 290/47/19/06.
  •  2698 Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center (India), Red Fort, Delhi – RN  Section Interrogation Reports, Nos. 4-5, May 15, 1945
  •  2698 Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center (India), Red Fort, Delhi – RAF  Section (Int 9) Interrogation Reports Nos. 157-174 (No 162 Missing) April 9-July 19, 1945
  •  2698 EIS Wing, Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center (I) – Operations Charters for the Production of Economic Intelligence Bulletins Based on Interrogation, February 21, 45, Revised April 16, 1945
  • 84-85 Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center (India) Interrogation Reports September 9, 1944-July 19, 1945
  • File Number A 1000 0100 S 441-5 location: 290/49/26/06 209 A Section, Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center (India) Advanced HQ, Interrogation Reports June 19, 1944-July 30, 1945 File Number IND 0306 0000 C 958 location: 290/49/29/02


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