World War Secret Codes - USA National Archive
Office of Strategic
Services (OSS )
Terms, Names,
Organizational Abbreviations, and Code Words in OSS Records
Some interesting or
relevant WW2 codes exchnaged across the global war front are here in the format -
Code word: Used for whom or
for what
Abwehr: German military
BIA : Burma Independence Army
Birch : OSS agent that penetrated Germany through Scandinavia
in 1945
BNA: Burmese National Army
BPF: Burma
Patriotic Front
Broadway: British Intelligence (MI6 Headquarters)
Cassia: Anti-Nazi underground group in Vienna , Austria
CBI: China-Burma-India Theater of Operations
Cousins: The British
Crossword: British designation for Operation Sunrise
Crown Jewels: Germans deemed to be important for postwar purposes
Drum :Presumably an OSS staff member
at Bern , Switzerland and point of contact for “Drum” messages early in the war
Fat Boy: German Reichsmschall Hermann Goering
Flash: Allen Dulles evening radiotelephone transmission
Flute: Professor Paul Scherrer
Force 136 :British SOE in the Far East
Forking : Code name for a German Jew residing in Ascona , Switzerland
that was a
source for Allied intelligence
Friends: British
FTP: Communist-controlled French resistance groups
G-2: US Army Intelligence
George : Project Established
June 6, 1942 for the purpose of securing from sources abroad secret information. George Project located in
New York City
under the
cover of the Western Continents Corporation.
Grand : German Foreign Ministry or German Government in Berlin (in Kappa
Gray : A Kappa indicator signifying Finland
Green: A Kappa indicator
signifying Italy
Gregory: OSS chief in Lisbon , Portugal
Grimm: Germany
Harvard Plan: A German-language
propaganda periodical produced in Washington
and distributed by OSS Stockholm
HIHI :A Trans-Pyrenees Chain of agents operated by OSS
HOHO: A Trans-Pyrenees Chain of agents operated by OSS
IB or IBT : India Burma Theater of Operations [beginning 1944]
INA : Indian National Army
JA : Jewish Agency for Palestine
Jack and Jill: A German opposition group associated with Breakers
J-E : (Joan Eleanor) Two-way communications device which enabled an
agent on the ground to talk directly
with an appropriately equipped OSS
representative flying in a plane above
J-E Operations OSS Missions beginning in November 1944 using J-E
Jonny :A left-wing resistance movement in Vienna , Austria
Kappa: Indicator for messages containing information and documents
from the German Foreign Ministry by Fritz Kolbe (code named
George Wood)
KMT :Koumintang, Chinese nationalist party
Latte :A Kappa indicator for Budapest ,
Lavender: A Kappa indicator for China
MID: Military Intelligence Division, US Army
MI5: British Counter Intelligence
Nabors: The Germans (“neighbors” to the Swiss)
Operation Sunrise : Negotiations for
the German surrender in Italy
ORI :Italian resistance
Orion : Ion Antonescu, Romanian leader 1940-1944
Ostrich: Operation OSS operational
plans for reconnaissance trip to Manchuria
OVRA: Italian secret police
Paradise: Name for certain Kappa cables involving the penetration of
Phillips, Carr: Cover name for an Italian opposition figure
Roberts Commission: The American Commission for the Protection and
Salvage of Artistic and Historical Monuments in War Areas
Rote: Kapelle Red Orchestra, a Soviet spy network
SA: German stormtroopers
SAARF: Special Allied Airborne Reconnaissance Force, activated by
March 29, 1945, to send team to various POW camps in enemy territory
SAFEHAVEN : Project to trace the movement of German funds and
physical wealth to hideouts in European countries and to other continents
Saint :OSS
indicator for messages containing security and counter-intelligence
SF :Special Funds, OSS
organization that provided finances for maintenance
of agent cover
SIPO: German Security Police
SIS: Secret Intelligence Service, British MI6
“The Spider” :Man of Morrish extraction who passed mail to Lisbon , Portugal
for OSS Bern, Switzerland
Spinister: Code name for an important source on France in Geneva ,
Spirit: Geneva , Switzerland
Stallion: OSS Agent in Lebanon and Syria
Squirrel :OSS Agent in Syria
T-Forces :Target-Forces developed under SHAEF G-2 for the
exploitation of enemy
material and documents
Top: Zurich , Switzerland
Uncolored: Signifies Denmark
in Kappa messages
Vessel :Indicator for a series of reports from a source (now
regarded as probably
spurious) in the Vatican
Werewolves: Nazi organization trained to wage guerilla warfare after
the defeat of
German military forces
Wood, George Fritz Kolbe
Wood Traffic Material received from George Wood and messages
generated by it
X-2: Counter Intelligence Division, OSS
Zigzag : U.S.
source, former member of Abwehr IIIF in Berlin ,
identified former
Nazis for the U.S.
Zulu: The British
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