
Showing posts from 2015

SNOOPING on patriot of patriots,NETAJI Subhas and his Family by the government post independence

It's a National Shame that was kept under wrap by the Congress Government by hook or by crook in the last six decades. Satyam Ab Jayate.

Netaji Files Cannot be Declassified - The Biggest Tamassha of Indian Politics

Image In a latest RTI revelation obtained by IT professional Sreejith Panickar - part of group "Mission Netaji" comprising this writer and friends - the prime minister's office has made stunning revelations. One, the PMO says that Prime Minister Narendra Modi actually has no power to declassify secret Subhas Chandra Bose files. "There are no mentions in Manual of Office Procedure or Public Records Rules, 1997, regarding any discretionary power vested in PM to declassify records," the PMO says. This comes in response to Panickar's poser: "Does the prime minister have any prerogative to issue an order to declassify the files and send them to the National Archives?"   Two, even as the PMO provides a list of 36 classified files concerning Netaji, it says it holds five more ...

Declassify Petition -Nation First. Interest of Foreign Countries - Let the foreigners worry about that

Image Declassify Petition to mount pressure on the ruling Government to uncover the Netaji Death Mystery. The current political party at Union promised to declassify before 2014 Parliament Election. Now is the time to translate that into action. This great Son of India has not returned to homeland for 70 years. Can we Indians sleep. No government of a country can serve the national Interest better by keeping the truth about one of nation's founding father in hiding on silly pretex t of (a)harming law and order of a country - a country that witnessed tens of large riots in recent past - 1984 and 2002 being phenomenal , and demolition of giant historic religious shrine in 1990 and the then government in power continue to rule unscatched. (b) with the collective effort of government at centre, Netaji the hero of India's independence is a "Forgotten Her...

Vajpaiee on Netaji


PM Narendra Modi and Rajnath Singh -Congratulation of 23rd January on success of Swaach Bharat Abhijan

Dichotomy - Union Govt's Face PM Modiji's Swachh Bharat Campaign, Satyamebo Jayate policy of ruling BJP's "Hindusthan" clean campaign and PMO's stand on declassification of secret files o n death of national hero and freedom fighter Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. That's the two face of a government that swear "Satyamebo Jayate" (Victory of Truth). These secret files are in custody of Prime Minister's Office for many decades and new government parrot the same logic to deny revelation - that disclosure will create strain with selected foreign countries, create unrest in a section of people....bla bla bla etc. Incredible India and its present political class. That's state of democracy..... and the state of  "Satyamebo Jayate" swearing of its office bearers.....Jai Hind…/is-your-son-safe…

Netaji - what is happening in India - paper cuttings


falsely addresing Netaji Subhas as "Bharat Ratna" - Amit Shah,All India President of BJP, the ruling union government,

The Facebook image of Amit Shah Statement. Protest need to be lodged for the deliberate mis-statement. See the image, the companion of Netaji on birth anniversary Respect Netaji by Respect to Truth.Show courage and declassify death mystery.

Reputed Journalist late Barun Sengupta Book on Netaji Subhas Bose Death Mystery- republished in Bengali newspaper "Bartaman" in Dec-Jan 2015

Reputed Journalist, (late) Barun Sengupta Series on Netaji Subhas Bose Death Mystery- republished in Bengali "Bartaman" in 2015 - some extracts on the occasion of Netaji's 119th Birth Anniversary

"Respect Truth and Respect Netaji, the patriot of patriots.Here is HOW"

"Can't Reveal files on Netaji": Govt of India 9-Jan-2015

Commemorate the Great Son of India,Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's Birth Anniversary on 23rd January
