Declassify Petition -Nation First. Interest of Foreign Countries - Let the foreigners worry about that

Declassify Petition to mount pressure on the ruling Government to uncover the Netaji Death Mystery. The current political party at Union promised to declassify before 2014 Parliament Election. Now is the time to translate that into action. This great Son of India has not returned to homeland for 70 years. Can we Indians sleep. No government of a country can serve the national Interest better by keeping the truth about one of nation's founding father in hiding on silly pretext of (a)harming law and order of a country - a country that witnessed tens of large riots in recent past - 1984 and 2002 being phenomenal , and demolition of giant historic religious shrine in 1990 and the then government in power continue to rule unscatched. (b) with the collective effort of government at centre, Netaji the hero of India's independence is a "Forgotten Hero". And current government is following the same to make Him forgotten. And since, he is forgotten from people's mind, there would be no apparent law and order fear (other than for those who worked against India and undivided India's national interest) (c) another refusal ground is it would effect relations with neighbourly countries - one, two,three and even if government do not spill out people in India can fairly correctly guess that these would be among the following countries - UK, USSR,USA. Can a nation's interest in its founding father's life profile be thrown to dustbin in disregard to nation's interest to offer a semblance of honor to this great son of mother India. It is true, India has not treated honorably with this noble soul on earth and WE CAN CHANGE THAT NOW.


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