The Future
This is a diary of mining gold out of earthly dart. Politics is not the daily bread of the sane and the Saint. Yet human is the only species on earth who play politics with its own folk.
What is politics? It should be based on virtues and how one compete with the other to reflect the superiority of one path from the other; the process of creating villain and the capability of the localised population to perceive one to be less virtuous than the other.
History know that people through ages always take self survival as the prime motive that allow the powerful to rule the earth with hatred and violence. And the population subjugate to the power and accept all the torture and pain in return for simple living.
But all times are not same and the humans are different from other animals that at many special times in history, the people overcome the fear of torture and death and get united to pull down the oppressor.
The future of the earth needs to be looked through this mirror of unifying opposition that happens when the social situation becomes ripe.
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